Circling the Airport in the East Midlands

In which I take a trip around East Midlands Airport, and encounter some mapping challenges.

After having to cut short the celebrations last time [1], in my latest Walking with Llama Paws video, I take on the challenge of walking from Shepshed, Leicestershire, up and around nearby East Midlands Airport. Now, on paper this looked like a fun route, with pathways running around and even through the airport. However, I was soon to discover that my map was surprisingly out of date and that the routes on the ground relatively poorly signposted. Find out how I got on below.

Now, okay so the route I ended up on – wasn’t the route I planned, as especially around the northern edge of the airport much has changed in recent years. Plus, even using my online planning tool routes which looked like I could walk through or alongside the airport were effectively barred by security fencing [2]. On the other hand, this route took me through a lot of the redevelopment area around the East Midlands Gateway – an area I’ve driven past and through quite often in recent years, but never had the chance to explore in person. Was it worth it? Probably not, as there’s only so much one can say about giant storage sheds [3].

What was the best bit? Surprisingly Castle Donington and the route south of Long Whatton – despite misdirection, closed footpaths and yapping dogs along the way. I was perhaps saddened a little that there were less field route options, and annoyed at myself for missing two of the better field routes on the day. I must plan my next walk with greater care for getting off the road. Thankfully, what I do have in mind, is something very different to any previous walk – stay tuned for that in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, if you’ve any thoughts, comments, suggestions or insights – share them in the comments below, or over on the YouTube video above. Happy trails, fellow Llama Striders!


[1] Sadly due to a close family taking sick, and passing away days later as it turned out.

[2] Not that this was too much of a surprise, I was just rather hoping to have a more ‘hands on’ airport walking experience.

[3] I cut a whole second sequence walking though the warehouse district because while it did give an accurate impression of how large the area is, it didn’t make for an especially fun or engaging section of the walk.

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